Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye Review

Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye Review. Samyang Optics (Korea) offers the DSLR lenses for many years, but recently have had a visibility a little 'and the popularity of some very exciting new products, such as the recently revised Samyang 85mm f/1.4, Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye cover that in this test. Samyang lenses are marketed by many companies, such as Vivitar (7 mm f/3.5), Bower (8mm f/3.5) Optek (6.5 mm f/3.5), walimex (8mm f/3.5), and probably a couple more.

To date, Samyang lenses do not have all the electronics so while you will be able to mount these lenses without an adapter, you will have to live without autofocus and a camera control opening. The 8 mm f/3.5 lens Samyang is a dedicated full-frame fisheye for APS-C DSLR. You can also get in a long format (35 mm) DSLR, but the accumulation of sunscreen will be visible in the image, in this case. Typical fisheye lens field of view is enormous - 180 degrees or more precisely: 167 degrees on Canon EOS digital SLR APS-C format (1.6 times the harvest instead of 1.5 x) - then One of the barriers to using this type of lens is to prevent your feet from the scene.

Fisheye lens is not unusual in itself so you might ask, why bother to check the lens rather "exotic" by the manufacturer. Well, fisheye lenses are usually not cheap. Even the Sigma asking up to $ 900US / Tokina fisheye zoom 800EUR and sells about $ 500EUR/600US. Samyang falls below $ 280EUR/360US!

If you think this lens has a sloppy build quality, affordable ... Therefore, be prepared for a surprise - it's very good. The main body is made of metal and a rubber ring approach works smoothly and is being amortized in the good old days. Rings (plastic) of the opening feels a bit less robust, but works fine with distinctive "clicks". The bulb of elements in the front, it is impossible to filter, but it is normal for this type of lens. It's a little "uncomfortable" to fix the front cover, but it is certainly a good idea to take the opportunity to protect the lens during transport. The physical length of the lens is almost constant - it moves slightly (0.5-1mm) in focus.

The lack of autofocus can be a bit difficult to Samyang 85mm f/1.4, but is essentially a fisheye 8 mm f/3.5 is not afraid because of the large depth of field provided by such purpose - to most scenes by adjusting the focal length of 2 meters and be happy forever. In case of doubt (for example, in situations of interest very close), of course, you can use Live View to refine the focus manually. Aperture (work) directly into the lens can also be something to get used to, but in reality is a compromise here.

This is a sample image taken by the Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye lens

Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye Review | Samyang Lens

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